Information about Sport Horse Marketplace

How it works

How it works

Browse, list, buy, and sell!

How to:
Browse and search for horses/ponies/ISO (in-search-of)
Use filters or find a specific listing 
View a listing
Contact a seller
Create an account
Create a listing: For Sale
Create a listing: ISO (In-Search-Of)
Manage/edit a listing
Read and respond to messages

Browse and search for horses/ponies/ISO (in-search-of)
On the homepage, start broad by selecting "Find Horses." This will take you to the main search results page and give the broadest list of all horse, pony, and ISO ads.

On the homepage, select "Horses", "Ponies", or "ISO" to see listings in the specific category.

From the homepage, scroll to "Recent Listings" and select a specific listing or select "See All Horses" to view all listings.

From the homepage, scroll to "Categories" and select a specific category (Horse, Pony, ISO) or select "See All" to view all listings.

Use filters or find a specific listing 
From the homepage, type in a horse's name or portion of it and select "Find Horses"

From the listings page, use present filters to find listing that meet specific requirements. 
Category - select Horse, Pony, or ISO (in-search-of / wanted)
Note, for "Breed" most of the breeds are not visible and you must use the scroll feature on your computer or smart phone to see the entire list.

Once all filters are chosen, click "Update View" to apply.

View a listing
The listing gives the most information.

Details include:
  • Name
  • Price
  • Seller name
  • Contact seller button
  • Seller location
  • Photos (optional)
  • Description written by seller
  • Videos (optional)
  • Ad type (sale/lease)
  • Price range
  • Disciple
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Breed
  • USEF #
  • Breed registry
  • Country
  • Listing created date

Contact a seller
From the listing, select "Contact" to contact a seller. You will be prompted to login to your account (see Creating an account for how-to steps).

Write a message to the seller in the message box and select "Send Message." You will be directed back to the listing page and a confirmation banner that says "Message Sent!" will appear under the listing title. The seller will be notified of the message by email and in their account. You will receive an email notification when you receive a new message and need to log into your account to respond.

Create an account
On desktop, on the top right-hand side, select "Sign up." 
On mobile, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) on the top left side and select "Sign up."

Fill out the registration form information, including:
  • Email address
  • First name
  • Last name 
  • Password
  • Confirm password

New accounts must agree to Terms of use and Privacy policy, and have the option of receiving occasional emails from Sport Horse Marketplace.

You will need to confirm your email address and will receive an automated email in your email inbox. Open the email and select "Confirm email account." You will be directed back to Sport Horse Marketplace and prompted to Login with your email and password.

Log into an account
On desktop, on the top right-hand side, select "Log in." 
On mobile, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) on the top left side and select "Log in."

If you don't have an account, see Creating an account for how-to steps

Create a listing: For Sale
Log into your account. 
On desktop, on the top right-hand side, select "+New Listing."
On mobile, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) on the top left side and select "+New Listing".

Choose a category
  • Horses: any equine that is or intends to exceed 14.2 hands in height
  • Ponies: any equine that is or intends to range 8.5-14.2 hands in height 
  • ISO: meaning in-search-of. An individual or organization who is looking to buy a horse or pony. (See Create a listing: ISO for how-to instructions)

Fill in the new listing information, including:
  • Listing title: typically horse/pony name
  • Price: any numerical value 0-500,000. Exact price is recommended to ensure qualified buyers.
  • Detailed description: information about the horse/pony, such as personality, capabilities, background, show record, and ideal buyer. This is where YouTube video links should be placed.
  • Ad Type: sale or lease (both can be checked)
  • Price range: select corresponding price range for list price. Multiple can be selected if there's a lease and sale option.
  • Discipline: select one or more: Hunter, Equitation, Jumper, Dressage, Eventing
  • Age: current age
  • Sex: select Mare, Gelding, Stallion, Filly, or Colt
  • Breed: select breed from drop down. If horse is multiple breeds, select the primary breed and list all breeds in Detailed description. If breed is not listed, select Other and list breed in Detailed description.
  • USEF #: optional, if applicable.
  • Breed Registry: optional, any breed registries the horse/pony is registered with
  • Country: Select United State, Canada, International. International is any country outside of US and Canada.
  • Location is the exact location of the horse/pony. Use City, State or zip code.
  • Image: ability to upload one or more relevant photos 

Once complete, select "Submit for review." You will be notified via email and your account when your listing is approved.

Create a listing: ISO (In-Search-Of)
This type of listing is for a person or organization who is interested in purchasing a horse or pony.
Log into your account. 
On desktop, on the top right-hand side, select "+New Listing."
On mobile, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) on the top left side and select "+New Listing".

Choose a category
  • Horses: any equine that is or intends to exceed 14.2 hands in height (See Create a listing: For Sale how-to instructions)
  • Ponies: any equine that is or intends to range 8.5-14.2 hands in height (See Create a listing: For Sale how-to instructions)
  • ISO: meaning in-search-of. An individual or organization who is looking to buy a horse or pony. 

Fill in the new listing information, including:
  • Listing title: high-level description of horse/pony desired
  • Detailed description: information about the horse/pony wanted, including budget, breed, personality, capabilities, background, show record, and location. 
  • Location: buyer exact location. Use City, State or zip code.
  • Image: ability to upload one or more relevant photos 

Once complete, select "Submit for review." You will be notified via email and your account when your listing is approved.

Manage/edit a listing
Log into your account.

On desktop, from the top right-hand side, select your circle profile image.
On mobile, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) on the top left side and select your circle profile image on the top left.
Select "My listings."
Find the desired listing and select the listing title to edit the listing.

On the Listing edit page, select Edit listing, Close listing, or Delete listing.
  • Edit listing: edit any field in the listing
  • Close listing: listing is no longer active (sold). If listed is Closed, it can be reopened from the same edit page. Listing will need to be re-approved. 
  • Delete listing: permanently remove listing. Note: this cannot be undone.

On mobile
On the top left side, select the menu button (three horizontal lines in a row) and select your circle profile image on the top left.
Select "My listings."
Find the desired listing and select the listing title to edit the listing.

How to read and respond to messages
Your profile circle icon will show unread message alerts with a red circle and the number of messages.
Select your profile circle icon and select Inbox. See all messages, and new messages will be in bold. Select a message to read. 

Reply to a message by typing in the Write a reply box. Only share personal information with someone you trust and never give any passwords or financial information to someone you don't know.